As a Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew is led by a group of individuals called the Session. The Session at St. Andrew consists of 18 Ruling Elders on staggered three-year terms. These Ruling Elders are the decision-makers on behalf of the congregation.
We, the Session of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church want to affirm that our unity in the church is based on our profession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Over the years, our church has been a church in which members are encouraged to discuss and debate current issues and ideas with open minds and open hearts. We continue to be a church that is very diverse—socially, politically, and theologically. We continue to believe in the authority of Scripture but affirm that people of good faith can read and interpret the Bible differently.
We rejoice that in our church, there are people on both sides of many issues, yet we find our unity in Christ within our congregation is not broken. We continue to profess our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and we continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us understand Scripture and how it is to be interpreted in our world today. It is alright to agree or disagree with actions of our denomination. But together we remain committed to seeking God and God’s will in our lives, growing as disciples of Jesus Christ while loving others and serving in God’s world.
We ask for your continued prayers for our congregation and Session, for the Presbyterian Church (USA), and for the Church of Jesus Christ universal as together we all seek to be faithful to who God calls us to be and to what God calls us do.
In Christ’s love, The Session of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church ~ August 24, 2011
"Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?" 1 Kings 3:9
Tricia Buckland
Youth & Young Adults
Jackie Bumpus
Personnel & Administration
Dave Graham
Media & Technology
Travis Groo
Morgan Kersting
Liz Montna
Children's Ministries
Kris Graben
Adult Education & Welcoming
Thomas Byrd
Worship Enhancement
Kirk Parrott
Personnel & Administration
Greg Payne
Marius Van Zyl
Larry Geweke
Susan Nowinski
Lin Merklin
Media & Technology and
Worship Enhancement
Jennifer Gengler
Margie Markle
Children's Ministries & Youth and Young Adults
Beckie Kersting
Children's Ministries
Carrie Schroeder
Fellowship, Adult Education & Treasurer
Vicki Henderson
Clerk of Session